Company 6 Year Anniversary
Posted on June 28, 2022
Dish: Asian | Barbecue / Grill | Cocktails | Dessert / Ice-cream (sweet) | Fruit | Grilled cheese sandwiches | Hamburger | Mexican / Tex Mex | Vegan
Posted on June 28, 2022
Dish: Asian | Barbecue / Grill | Cocktails | Dessert / Ice-cream (sweet) | Fruit | Grilled cheese sandwiches | Hamburger | Mexican / Tex Mex | Vegan
Hi team,
Hope this email finds you well.
Our company, FOTILE America LLC, is going to host a 6 Year Anniversary Party with the estimated date of 07/11/2022 or 07/12/2022, with a team of 35 or more people, at our headquarter location at 6 Campus Dr., Parsippany NJ 07054.
May I know if I can get a quote for a Lunch Event, and recommended menus as well?
Thank you and look forward to your soon reply.
Jennifer Fang
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