Food Trucks needed for 4 day 127 yard sale
Posted on July 17, 2021
Dish: Barbecue / Grill | Burritos | Fish | Hamburger | Hot dog | Mexican / Tex Mex | Pizza | Pulled Pork | Sandwiches | Soup | Southern food | Tacos
Posted on July 17, 2021
Dish: Barbecue / Grill | Burritos | Fish | Hamburger | Hot dog | Mexican / Tex Mex | Pizza | Pulled Pork | Sandwiches | Soup | Southern food | Tacos
This is for the 127 worlds longest yard sale that runs from Michigan to Alabama. We had hundreds of visitors each day and most were looking for food also. We anticipate minimum of 100 customers per day for the 4 day event. Located at the Black Goose Gift & Antique Store in Union, KY
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