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Graduation Party

Posted on March 27, 2021
Dish: Asian | Barbecue / Grill | Burritos | Caribbean | Cocktails | Coffee / Tea | Craft beers | Dessert / Ice-cream (sweet) | Fish | Fried foods | Fruit | Grilled cheese sandwiches | Hamburger | Hot dog | Juices / Smoothies | Latin | Mexican / Tex Mex | Other | Pasta | Pizza | Pulled Pork | Salads | Sandwiches | Southern food | Tacos | Tapas | Vegan | Vegetarian | Wine

  • I am hosting a graduation party for my son. Date: 05/29/2021 Timeframe: 5:30pm - 9:00pm. So within these times for service. I wanted to have a food truck to be able to serve to order, requests from guests. Or if like taco truck batch of at least a few meat choices, (Food choice options). I expect to send out about 60 invites so 90% attendance so for 50 people. If options for per person actually served that would be great! Need to know how you do payment I will be paying for the event. The event will be held at my home, I have Several options for where the truck can be placed and have access to water and electricity. Will need to know if electrical cords will be included, and also what type of water hookup is needed! Please contact me by text or phone at (559) 803-8642 or email: [email]
    Thank you much!!

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    • Date: 05/29/2021
    • Place: Fresno
    • Payment by: Host
    • Budget ($): 0
    • Facilities at location: Water & power
    • Number of people: 60
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