Friendly Forest Fall Festival
Posted on August 05, 2022
Dish: Barbecue / Grill
Posted on August 05, 2022
Dish: Barbecue / Grill
Hi, my name is Todd Sherman, I work at the Calusa Nature and Planetarium at 3450 Ortiz Avenue in Fort Myers we are looking for a couple of food trucks (burgers, dogs, corn on the cob, fries, turkey legs, BBQ, things like that and either ice cream or Sno-cones) for our annual Friend Forest Fall Festival on the weekend of September 24th and 25th. We operate from 10 am - 6 pm on both days. We see over 250 people each day for this fun filled event. We are open to having the same vendors for both days or different vendors each day - whatever works best for everyone. Thank you!
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