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  • Food Truck Catering: A Unique Event

    Friday, May 21, 2021
    Food Trucks are the ideal caterers! Whether the party will be big and loud or small and intimate, Food Trucks can be hired for the preparation of food, drinks, and much more. Many Food Truck owners are happy to help you organize the event down to the very last detail. How can you excel in catering for different events? At what type of events can your FoodTruck best provide the catering?

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    Saturday, May 15, 2021
    Now that we can't go out and do to much things anyway, we might have time to upload pictures of our dishes. These food pics are like selfies: small details contribute to a much better result. We all know that good photos on your profile contribute to the popularity of your food truck. We have listed a few simple tips to make the perfect pictures of your dishes and take your photos to the next ...

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  • Behind the Food Truck: Big Will's Backyard Flames

    Friday, February 26, 2021
    Big Will Pettiford started small with a $1500 hot dog cart in September 2019. He has grown his business to include a food truck and that growth happened during the pandemic. Big Will’s Backyard Flames is located in Greensboro, North Carolina selling backyard cuisine and cookout food. FoodTruckBooking went behind the food truck to get Big Will’s backstory, vision, and his advice on how ...

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  • Take the Survey - Insights into the food truck business

    Monday, February 22, 2021
    Every year takes a deep dive into the food truck business to gain insights on both the negative and the positive effects of the year on the food truck industry. In 2020, the global pandemic hit causing drastic restrictions on our lives. Nobody expected or planned for this and FoodtruckBooking has also observed and felt the effects on the mobile food business like food tr...

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