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Thursday, February 10, 2022
Nowadays there is a trend in nutrition, namely supplementing with so-called "superfoods". By definition, a superfood is a 100% natural food that contains an extremely high nutrient density in only small amounts. Today we want to go a little deeper into the subject and write about superfoods. It's all about our health!
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Thursday, February 3, 2022
Breakfast, brunch, aperitif, lunch, coffee and cake, snack, dinner, or supper. What do our meals look like and how do we divide them? Nowadays, many people have a different lifestyle and this leads, for example, to 1 in 4 Americans not having breakfast during the week. In addition, eating out of doors continues to increase according to a study by ICSC. About 64% of Americans eat out of doors at le...
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Thursday, January 27, 2022
We would like to introduce you to the new section: Food of the Month. In this section, we will discuss a new delicious dish each month. Where does it come from? What ingredients does it contain? The first dish to be featured is the hamburger! In the critical world of hungry hamburger fans, can there be a consensus on what the perfect hamburger should look like?
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Thursday, January 20, 2022
If anyone depends on plastic, it's a Food Truck. Plastic cups, bags, straws, containers, cutlery, etc. And especially in times of the coronavirus, where mostly to-go is served. Plastic is a convenient and easy way to serve your dishes, but if it is so sustainable ...? We must try to fight together for more sustainability. In this blog, we discuss possible solutions.
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