
Serving drinks: Quenching thirst in style!

Posted on 05/30/2022 by FTB

A drink is much more than the liquid you take. It is the atmosphere and the love with which you prepare a drink that counts. There are many ways to offer drinks, but you should not disregard some rules. Ice cubes, decoration, and quantity are three important factors that apply regardless of color, alcohol content or type of glass!


    Crushed ice goes with some drinks, while ice cubes go with others. Generally, you don't have so much space in your Food Truck, and that's why it's hard to offer drinks with ice. However, ice gives drinks the right temperature and sometimes melted water can improve the taste of the drinks. Just be careful not to water down the drink, but again, that's something that's up to the consumer.

    • A golden rule you should not forget: if you use crushed ice, or small ice cubes in general, a straw must be used.
    • Tip: Remember to get yourself some straw cleaners for glass straws before disposable straws are banned!


    • Decorate the rim: For a salt rim, you can use small amounts of regular table salt. However, fleur de sel is a little more stylish and flavorful. You can basically use anything that makes the drink look better without spoiling the taste. Cocoa, cinnamon-cardamom mixtures, anything is basically possible!
    • Use the right glass: Depending on the drink, certain glasses fit better. Because Food Trucks mostly serve non-alcoholic drinks, thick-walled glasses are more common. This is also true for homemade sodas, which are often served in jam jars. If your glass is nice and big, lemon slices or herbs, for example, can generally enhance the drink.


    What is considered a "small" or "large" drink can be very relative. Often Food Trucks offer small as 0.2l and large as 0.4l, which seems very logical. If you want to sell the right amount you have to think about the type of drink first: a liter of mango lassi is too much for your stomach, even though we all love to drink this.
    About the presentation: if you actually serve larger drinks with lemon zest and ice cubes, it behooves you to use a toothpick so that the decoration does not "float around" in the glass. It is a hassle, but depending on the type of glass and amount of ice, it makes the experience enjoyable.

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